Monday, July 24, 2006
This is a new kit that is available from SCP. There are several different lengths of risers to choose from. These were installed in under 10 minutes. Cables and hoses don't have to be re-routed. Everything works fine using the metric adapter studs that are a part of the kit. Guy will have pricing available by 7/25 if anyone is interested in some of these. I really like the look and feel, the bike fits me very nice now with the Mayer seat and risers, what a difference!

Saturday, July 15, 2006
My daughter Angie came over from Bend, OR, for the weekend. Of Course, Jonathan and Nathan, "the boys" were with her. She went to harbor and bought seafood that was still in the ocean this morning! And, some fresh smoked tuna and Salmon. We had pan fried oysters, salad shrimp, fried onions, and the tuna and salmon. Except for a little cornmeal on the oysters, it was all very healthy for me What does this have to do with a VN900? Well, it will give me the strength to ride it!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The seat from a different angle. When Rick Mayer makes a seat, there is a reason for everything he does. I'm happy with the way it turned out. I was tempted ot have a more solo style, with just a small passenger seat that followed the contour of the rear fender. But, I do occasionall carry a passenger, so decided to go with something a little more comfortable. I have a Cobra back rest on order, that will give me something tie luggage to also. After HSVROC I'll put the Tourmaster saddle bags on. Since I'm trailering, I don't want them flopping around on the way down behind the truck.

The new Rick Mayer Seat. I rode it down the block and back, it fits me well. I think the passenger seat will be good too. It's thinner than the stock seat, but is made with better foam, and an nice soft liner under the vinyl. I'm pleased with it. Of course it wil ltake more riding to tell what it will be like on the long haul.

A nice Covered bridge in southern Oregon. I can remember when you could drive through this! Hwy 42 wasn't much of a road then. It's one of the ways to get from I-5 (used to be Hwy 99) over to the Coast.

Mount Shasta, early in the July morning. Still some snow and glaciers up there. In another month the will be less, then the new season of ice and snow will start up there again.

Kawani bike without the seat. Picture of the bike on this trailer will be common for awhile, I'm sure. Being a W.H.O.R.E. isn't all that bad. (We Haul Our Bikes Everywhere)

I passed a lot of pretty horses in Northern California and Southern Oregon on the way home today. I think Paint Pony's are pretty!

Just West of Camas Valley on Hwy 42. These these horses were the last thing I remembered before the accident, was going to take a picture for Zmean1. The wreck was 10.5 more miles down the road...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
After 18 miles from my Motel, and many road changes, I was very glad to find this wagon wheel! I passed lots of things right out of the Old West. Working feed stores, Meat lockers, Hardware stores, etc. Still in operation, and very old, but most look well kept..that was just on the way out here! It's cattle and logging country.

Entering the complex. 7 huge dogs, Newfoundlands and Great Danes are in a nice fenced kennel. The house and grounds are very nice..interesting too. They raise a lot of their own vegetables and herbs. It's a large property located South West of Redding, California. Rugged country.

Both of his helpers are very proficient at their jobs. It's all business in the little shop, they are very busy! This was during a lunch break

Rick was very good about explaining "How and Why" he makes seats the way he does. He has years of experience, and learned from his Dad, who was a very successful aftermarket seat manufacturer. Rick is also a "hard rider" many trips and several "Iron Butt" cerificates for long miles.

Rick has leather in several different colors, and two kinds of black vinyl. A basket weave or plain with stiching. The basket weave is very strong, but isn't as comfortable as the plain. this is my seat after it's been formed. He uses his own foam and other materials. There will ba a pad under the vinyl before it's glued on to the seat.. The finished product isn't on the bike, it's in the truck. It's almost a 100 degrees here,and he said it would be best to keep it out on the sun for a day until the glue sets up well.

Rick and his family are BMW riders, and have been for a long time. I met his Dad, Bill Mayer back in 1983. He had a business called Mayer Day Long Saddles. Very popular in the 70's and early 80's. I rode out from Oklahoma to have him make a seat for my R100 BMW. Mayer told to Russel, and Russell sold to someone else, but it's still called Russell seats.

Good Greg visits from Colorado! He got here the night before I was scheduled to leave for the Rick Mayer Seat Company in California. We had a nice visit!

Kawani on the trailer. On the way to California to get a new seat! Maybe it would look better on the covered wagon in the background. This bike will probably get hauled a lot. But, she needs a nice seat!

One of my favorite stores! Has old wooden floors, old display cases and carries a huge variety of items. It's very clean inside and has a good deli too. It's just off I-5 at Sunny Valley. There is a good museum close by, and a cafe that only sells healthy stuff, and buffalo instead of beef. This was the last place I stopped before the accident on 5/25. It was raining then.

Sunday, July 09, 2006
Kawani is all loaded and tied down on the trailer. I'll be leaving tomorrow for Anderson, California (It's just South of Redding). Rick Mayer has never seen a new VN900, so this will be his first seat. We'll sort of design it together. I'm going with vinyl instead of leather, it's easier to take care of. We'll look at his samples then decide. I'll be home with the new seat on the bike next Wednesday the 12th, in the afternoon.

Pat won't let me have a Pink Flamingo in the yard, so I had to hand one from the garage ceiling......She did let me put a pink crab in the front garden, it's sort of hidden among the flowers

Some old memories.. I HAVE to get the garage cleaned up soon! I think after HS VROC I'll get started.

Getting stronger every day. I just returned from a 55 mile trip up Hwy 101 to Reedsport and back. It will be nice when I get a windshield! I don't like the belt and gear noise, but other than that, the bike is very easy to ride. I'm not used to the seating position, and I"ve never been a big fan of floorboards, but I will get used to it. The new seat will help I'm sure!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
This is the plate that was on Kokopelli. I'll miss parking next to Skid and have people look at the plates, look puzzled and walk away scratching their heads. This was one of the very few things that weren't ruined in the accident. I paid the dealer $7.92 for this 2 dollar frame..guess that's the world of paying retail! I had a stack of these last winter, now some of you have them:-)
I provided the chrome bolt caps, and think it looks quite spiffy!

I provided the chrome bolt caps, and think it looks quite spiffy!

Monday, June 26, 2006
It's been one month and one day since the accident. I'm still pretty sore and gimpy, but the new bike is calling my name. I just have to try a short ride. Actually this is my second of the day, no one was around to take pictures the first time. I'm on my way for another short look....this one really wore me out, time to hit the chair for the rest of the day. I love the way the bike rides, better than I expected!